Literature Library

Type Product Line Model Description Keywords Date
Type Product Line Model Description Keywords Date
Case Study Active Chilled Beams, Perimeter Induction Units ACB50 250 South Wacker drive Chicago, IL 250 South Wacker drive Chicago, IL Renovation from perimeter induction units to Active Chilled Beams 39379 DADANCO Case Study Active Chilled Beams, Perimeter Induction Units ACB50 1-way throw, Cassette chilled beams, Renovation N1 10/24/2016
Case Study Active Chilled Beams 29 North Wacker Drive Chicago, Ill 29 North Wacker Drive Chicago, Ill active chilled beam case study 39375 DADANCO Case Study Active Chilled Beams 1 7/8/2015
Case Study Active Chilled Beams, Inffusers ACB50 70 light square case history 70 light square case history 39378 DADANCO Case Study Active Chilled Beams, Inffusers ACB50 1 3/5/2013
Brochure, Technical Data A+ Air IDU Series Induction Displacement Units - General Brochure A+ Air IDU Series Induction Displacement Units - General Brochure IDU10 IDU20 IDU30 Displacement Ventilation Classroom K-12 DOAS IAQ 44396 DADANCO Brochure, Technical Data 1.0 5/17/2023
Guide Specification Active Chilled Beams ACB10 ACB 10 3-part specification ACB 10 3-part specification 39440 DADANCO Guide Specification Active Chilled Beams ACB10 1.3 11/3/2022
IOM Active Chilled Beams ACB20, ACB40, ACB45, ACB50, ACB55 ACB ceiling mounted Cassette style Active chilled beams IOM ACB ceiling mounted Cassette style Active chilled beams IOM 39392 DADANCO IOM Active Chilled Beams ACB20, ACB40, ACB45, ACB50, ACB55 Cassette chilled beams N1 10/24/2016
revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB10 ACB-10 Revit file ACB-10 Revit file 40110 DADANCO revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB10 2-way throw, Concealed chilled beams N1 4/17/2017
revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB20 ACB-20 Revit file ACB-20 Revit file drain pan, drip tray 40111 DADANCO revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB20 2-way throw, Cassette chilled beams 2.0 10/26/2021
revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB35 ACB-35 Revit file ACB-35 Revit file 40112 DADANCO revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB35 Concealed chilled beams, Renovation 2.0 3/13/2023
revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB45 ACB-45 Revit file: For Ceiling Installation, No Coanda Wings, 1' Wide, 2-Way Throw, Horizontal Coil ACB-45 Revit file: For Ceiling Installation, No Coanda Wings, 1' Wide, 2-Way Throw, Horizontal Coil 40114 DADANCO revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB45 2-way throw, Cassette chilled beams 2.0 10/26/2021
revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB55 ACB-55 Revit file: For Ceiling Installation, No Coanda Wings, 1' Wide, 1-Way Throw, Horizontal Coil ACB-55 Revit file: For Ceiling Installation, No Coanda Wings, 1' Wide, 1-Way Throw, Horizontal Coil 40116 DADANCO revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB55 1-way throw, Cassette chilled beams 2.0 10/26/2021
Brochure Active Chilled Beams, Perimeter Induction Units ACB10 ACB10 Active Chilled Beam brochure ACB10 Active Chilled Beam brochure 40338 DADANCO Brochure Active Chilled Beams, Perimeter Induction Units ACB10 2-way throw, Concealed chilled beams N1 10/24/2016
Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB10 ACB10 submittal drawing ACB10 submittal drawing 39418 DADANCO Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB10 0 3/18/2014
Guide Specification Active Chilled Beams ACB20 ACB20 3-part specification ACB20 3-part specification 39438 DADANCO Guide Specification Active Chilled Beams ACB20 2.0 11/3/2022
Brochure Active Chilled Beams ACB20 ACB20 brochure ACB20 brochure 2-way cassette active chilled beam 39359 DADANCO Brochure Active Chilled Beams ACB20 2-way throw N1 10/24/2016
Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB20 ACB20 Submittal Drawings (4 page) ACB20 Submittal Drawings (4 page) 39419 DADANCO Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB20 2-way throw, Cassette chilled beams 2.0 7/23/2020
Brochure Active Chilled Beams, Perimeter Induction Units ACB30, ACB35 ACB30 / ACB35 Active chilled beam brochure ACB30 / ACB35 Active chilled beam brochure 40339 DADANCO Brochure Active Chilled Beams, Perimeter Induction Units ACB30, ACB35 2-way throw, Concealed chilled beams N1 10/24/2016
Guide Specification Active Chilled Beams ACB30 ACB30 3-part specification ACB30 3-part specification 39388 DADANCO Guide Specification Active Chilled Beams ACB30 Concealed chilled beams 2.1 11/7/2022
revit files Active Chilled Beams, Perimeter Induction Units ACB30 ACB30 Revit file ACB30 Revit file 40327 DADANCO revit files Active Chilled Beams, Perimeter Induction Units ACB30 1-way throw, Concealed chilled beams, Renovation 2.0 4/19/2023
Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB30 ACB30 submittal drawing ACB30 submittal drawing 39421 DADANCO Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB30 0 5/20/2011
Guide Specification Active Chilled Beams ACB35 ACB35 3-part specification ACB35 3-part specification 39441 DADANCO Guide Specification Active Chilled Beams ACB35 1.3 11/3/2022
Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB35 ACB35 submittal drawing ACB35 submittal drawing 39422 DADANCO Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB35 0 3/21/2011
Guide Specification Active Chilled Beams ACB40, ACB50 ACB40 & 50 3-part specification ACB40 & 50 3-part specification 39439 DADANCO Guide Specification Active Chilled Beams ACB40, ACB50 1.6 7/15/2019
Brochure Active Chilled Beams ACB40, ACB50 ACB40 & ACB50 Active chilled beam brochure ACB40 & ACB50 Active chilled beam brochure 39389 DADANCO Brochure Active Chilled Beams ACB40, ACB50 1-way throw, 2-way throw N1 10/24/2016
revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB40 ACB40 Revit File - No Coanda wings - Ceiling Installation ACB40 Revit File - No Coanda wings - Ceiling Installation 40328 DADANCO revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB40 2-way throw, Cassette chilled beams 2.1 10/18/2021
revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB40 ACB40 with Architectural Coanda - Revit file - Exposed Installation ACB40 with Architectural Coanda - Revit file - Exposed Installation 40329 DADANCO revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB40 2-way throw, Cassette chilled beams 2.0 6/24/2020
Brochure Active Chilled Beams ACB44 ACB44 Active chilled beam brochure ACB44 Active chilled beam brochure 39659 DADANCO Brochure Active Chilled Beams ACB44 4-way throw, Cassette chilled beams N1 10/24/2016
revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB44 ACB44 Revit File ACB44 Revit File 43904 DADANCO revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB44 4-way throw, Cassette chilled beams 1.0 3/22/2022
Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB44 ACB44 Submittal Drawings: 4-Way Throw Ceiling Cassette ACB with Vertical Coil and Optional Drain Pan ACB44 Submittal Drawings: 4-Way Throw Ceiling Cassette ACB with Vertical Coil and Optional Drain Pan ACB44, Submittal, Drawings, 4-Way, Ceiling Cassette, ACB, Vertical Coil, Drain Pan 43715 DADANCO Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB44 4-way throw, Cassette chilled beams 1.0 10/19/2021
Guide Specification Active Chilled Beams ACB45, ACB55 ACB45 & 55 3-part specification ACB45 & 55 3-part specification 39442 DADANCO Guide Specification Active Chilled Beams ACB45, ACB55 1.8 7/15/2019
Brochure Active Chilled Beams ACB45, ACB55 ACB45 & ACB55 Active chilled beam brochure ACB45 & ACB55 Active chilled beam brochure 39390 DADANCO Brochure Active Chilled Beams ACB45, ACB55 1-way throw, 2-way throw N1 10/24/2016
Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB45, ACB55 ACB45/55 Submittal Drawings: 1ft Wide Ceiling Cassette ACB, Horizontal Coil, 1-Way (ACB55) or 2-Way (ACB45) Throw - For Ceiling Applications (no Coanda Wings) ACB45/55 Submittal Drawings: 1ft Wide Ceiling Cassette ACB, Horizontal Coil, 1-Way (ACB55) or 2-Way (ACB45) Throw - For Ceiling Applications (no Coanda Wings) ACB45 ACB55 Submittal Drawing 43208 DADANCO Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB45, ACB55 1-way throw, 2-way throw, Cassette chilled beams 3.0 11/8/2021
Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB45 ACB45_ACW Submittal Drawings: 24" Wide Architectural Exposed ACB, Horizontal Coil, 2-Way Throw - For Open Ceiling Applications ACB45_ACW Submittal Drawings: 24" Wide Architectural Exposed ACB, Horizontal Coil, 2-Way Throw - For Open Ceiling Applications 43719 DADANCO Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB45 2-way throw 1.0 10/28/2021
Brochure Active Chilled Beams ACB4L, ACB5L ACB4L, ACB5L Active Chilled Beam brochure ACB4L, ACB5L Active Chilled Beam brochure 39660 DADANCO Brochure Active Chilled Beams ACB4L, ACB5L 1-way throw, 2-way throw, Cassette chilled beams N1 10/24/2016
Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB4L ACB4L/5L Low Height Active Chilled Beams - Submittal Drawing ACB4L/5L Low Height Active Chilled Beams - Submittal Drawing 44360 DADANCO Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB4L 1-way throw, 2-way throw, Cassette chilled beams, Renovation 1.0 4/10/2023
revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB4L, ACB5L ACB4L_5L - Low Height Active Chilled Beams - Revit Family ACB4L_5L - Low Height Active Chilled Beams - Revit Family 44361 DADANCO revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB4L, ACB5L 1-way throw, 2-way throw, Cassette chilled beams, Renovation 1.0 4/10/2023
revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB50 ACB50 Revit file - No Coanda Wings - Ceiling Installation ACB50 Revit file - No Coanda Wings - Ceiling Installation 40115 DADANCO revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB50 Cassette chilled beams 2.1 10/18/2021
revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB50 ACB50 with Architectural Coanda Wings - Exposed Installation - Wing on single (supply air) side (30" Width) ACB50 with Architectural Coanda Wings - Exposed Installation - Wing on single (supply air) side (30" Width) ACB50 Exposed Coanda Wing 1-way 43211 DADANCO revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB50 1-way throw, Cassette chilled beams 2.0 10/22/2021
revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB50 ACB50 with Architectural Coanda Wings - Exposed Installation - Wings on both sides (36" Width) ACB50 with Architectural Coanda Wings - Exposed Installation - Wings on both sides (36" Width) 43717 DADANCO revit files Active Chilled Beams ACB50 1-way throw 1.0 10/22/2021
Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB55 ACB55_ACW Submittal Drawings: 18" Wide Architectural Exposed ACB, Horizontal Coil, 1-Way Throw - For Open Ceiling Applications ACB55_ACW Submittal Drawings: 18" Wide Architectural Exposed ACB, Horizontal Coil, 1-Way Throw - For Open Ceiling Applications 39423 DADANCO Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB55 1-way throw 1.1 11/8/2021
Brochure Accessories Accessories brochure Accessories brochure 39391 DADANCO Brochure Accessories Accessories 1 2/5/2013
Brochure Accessories, Active Chilled Beams, Inffusers, Passive chilled beams, Perimeter Induction Units ACB10, ACB20, ACB30, ACB35, ACB3L, ACB40, ACB44, ACB45, ACB4L, ACB50, ACB55, ACB5L, FMFBY, FMLBY, FMTBY, IDL10e, IDL10i, IDL20e, IDS60i Active chilled beams brochure Active chilled beams brochure 39386 DADANCO Brochure Accessories, Active Chilled Beams, Inffusers, Passive chilled beams, Perimeter Induction Units ACB10, ACB20, ACB30, ACB35, ACB3L, ACB40, ACB44, ACB45, ACB4L, ACB50, ACB55, ACB5L, FMFBY, FMLBY, FMTBY, IDL10e, IDL10i, IDL20e, IDS60i 1-way throw, 2-way throw, 4-way throw, Accessories, Cassette chilled beams, Concealed chilled beams, Renovation N1 10/24/2016
FAQ Active Chilled Beams ACB10, ACB20, ACB30, ACB35, ACB3L, ACB40, ACB45, ACB50, ACB55 Active chilled beams FAQ Active chilled beams FAQ 39385 DADANCO FAQ Active Chilled Beams ACB10, ACB20, ACB30, ACB35, ACB3L, ACB40, ACB45, ACB50, ACB55 1-way throw, 2-way throw, Cassette chilled beams, Concealed chilled beams 1 3/5/2013
Case Study Active Chilled Beams AMP cove case study AMP cove case study 39394 DADANCO Case Study Active Chilled Beams 1 3/5/2013
Case Study Active Chilled Beams ACB35 Bourke street case study Bourke street case study phased renovation 39381 DADANCO Case Study Active Chilled Beams ACB35 1 3/5/2013
Case Study Inffusers Brindabella case study Brindabella case study infuser case study 39376 DADANCO Case Study Inffusers 4-way throw 1 3/5/2013
Case Study, Technical Data Active Chilled Beams Classroom solution using active chilled beams Classroom solution using active chilled beams technical paper 39384 DADANCO Case Study, Technical Data Active Chilled Beams 1 3/5/2013
Brochure Active Chilled Beams classroom solutions sales brochure classroom solutions sales brochure 39395 DADANCO Brochure Active Chilled Beams 1 3/5/2013
IOM Active Chilled Beams, Perimeter Induction Units ACB30, ACB35 Concealed ACB active chilled beam perimeter induction units Concealed ACB active chilled beam perimeter induction units 40326 DADANCO IOM Active Chilled Beams, Perimeter Induction Units ACB30, ACB35 Concealed chilled beams, Renovation N1 10/24/2016
Submittal Passive chilled beams DPBIR Dadanco DPBIR Submittal Drawing - Dadanco Passive Chilled Beam with Integral Return Dadanco DPBIR Submittal Drawing - Dadanco Passive Chilled Beam with Integral Return DPBIR, Submittal Drawing, Passive Chilled Beam, Integral Return 43716 DADANCO Submittal Passive chilled beams DPBIR 1.0 10/19/2021
Submittal Passive chilled beams DPBEM DPBEM - Dadanco Passive Chilled Beam (Exposed Mount) - Submittal Drawing DPBEM - Dadanco Passive Chilled Beam (Exposed Mount) - Submittal Drawing Dadanco, PCB, DPB, Passive chilled beam, exposed, DPBEM 43714 DADANCO Submittal Passive chilled beams DPBEM 1.0 10/18/2021
Submittal Passive chilled beams DPBRM DPBRM - Dadanco Passive Beam (Recessed Mount) Submittal Drawing DPBRM - Dadanco Passive Beam (Recessed Mount) Submittal Drawing PCB, DBP 39427 DADANCO Submittal Passive chilled beams DPBRM 1.0 10/18/2021
Case Study Perimeter Induction Units Federal Dirksen case study Federal Dirksen case study 39398 DADANCO Case Study Perimeter Induction Units 1 10/5/2012
Guide Specification Perimeter Induction Units FMLBY FMLBY 3-part Specification FMLBY 3-part Specification 42769 DADANCO Guide Specification Perimeter Induction Units FMLBY 1.3 11/3/2022
revit files Perimeter Induction Units FMLBY FMLBY Revit file FMLBY Revit file 40330 DADANCO revit files Perimeter Induction Units FMLBY Renovation N1 10/24/2016
Submittal Perimeter Induction Units FMLBY FMLBY submittal drawing FMLBY submittal drawing 39429 DADANCO Submittal Perimeter Induction Units FMLBY 2.1 3/27/2023
Brochure Perimeter Induction Units FMLBY, FMTBY FMTBY / FMLBY/ FMVBY Perimeter induction unit brochure FMTBY / FMLBY/ FMVBY Perimeter induction unit brochure 40342 DADANCO Brochure Perimeter Induction Units FMLBY, FMTBY Renovation 2.0 9/13/2023
Guide Specification Perimeter Induction Units FMTBY FMTBY 3-part specification FMTBY 3-part specification 42770 DADANCO Guide Specification Perimeter Induction Units FMTBY 1.3 11/3/2022
Submittal Perimeter Induction Units FMTBY FMTBY submittal drawing FMTBY submittal drawing 39430 DADANCO Submittal Perimeter Induction Units FMTBY 2.0 3/27/2023
Guide Specification Perimeter Induction Units FMVBY FMVBY 3-part specification FMVBY 3-part specification 42771 DADANCO Guide Specification Perimeter Induction Units FMVBY 1.3 11/4/2022
Case Study Frost school of music case study Frost school of music case study 39830 DADANCO Case Study 1 10/22/2015
Case Study Active Chilled Beams GLR law firm case study GLR law firm case study 39399 DADANCO Case Study Active Chilled Beams 1 3/5/2013
Brochure Active Chilled Beams HACB20 HACB20 Active chilled beam brochure HACB20 Active chilled beam brochure 40340 DADANCO Brochure Active Chilled Beams HACB20 2-way throw, Cassette chilled beams N1 10/24/2016
revit files Inffusers IDL10e IDL10e Revit file IDL10e Revit file 40332 DADANCO revit files Inffusers IDL10e N1 10/24/2016
Submittal Inffusers IDL10e IDL10e submittal drawing IDL10e submittal drawing 39431 DADANCO Submittal Inffusers IDL10e 0 6/25/2012
revit files Inffusers IDL10i IDL10i Revit file IDL10i Revit file 40333 DADANCO revit files Inffusers IDL10i N1 10/24/2016
Submittal Inffusers IDL10i IDL10i submittal drawing IDL10i submittal drawing 39432 DADANCO Submittal Inffusers IDL10i 0 6/25/2012
Brochure Inffusers IDL20e, IDL20i, IDS60e, IDS60i IDL20 / IDS60 Inffuser brochure IDL20 / IDS60 Inffuser brochure 40343 DADANCO Brochure Inffusers IDL20e, IDL20i, IDS60e, IDS60i 2-way throw, 4-way throw N1 10/24/2016
revit files Inffusers IDL20e IDL20e Revit file IDL20e Revit file 40334 DADANCO revit files Inffusers IDL20e N1 10/24/2016
Submittal Inffusers IDL20e IDL20e submittal drawing IDL20e submittal drawing 39433 DADANCO Submittal Inffusers IDL20e 0 6/25/2012
revit files Inffusers IDL20i IDL20i Revit file IDL20i Revit file 40335 DADANCO revit files Inffusers IDL20i N1 10/24/2016
Submittal Inffusers IDL20i IDL20i submittal drawing IDL20i submittal drawing 39434 DADANCO Submittal Inffusers IDL20i 0 6/25/2012
revit files Inffusers IDS60e IDS60e Revit file IDS60e Revit file 40336 DADANCO revit files Inffusers IDS60e N1 10/24/2016
Submittal Inffusers IDS60e IDS60e submittal drawing IDS60e submittal drawing 39435 DADANCO Submittal Inffusers IDS60e 1 6/22/2012
revit files Inffusers IDS60i IDS60i Revit file IDS60i Revit file 40337 DADANCO revit files Inffusers IDS60i N1 10/24/2016
Submittal Inffusers IDS60i IDS60i submittal drawing IDS60i submittal drawing 39436 DADANCO Submittal Inffusers IDS60i 1 6/22/2012
Brochure Inffusers IDL10e, IDL10i, IDL20e, IDL20i, IDS60e, IDS60i Inffuser brochure Inffuser brochure 39404 DADANCO Brochure Inffusers IDL10e, IDL10i, IDL20e, IDL20i, IDS60e, IDS60i 1-way throw, 2-way throw, 4-way throw N1 11/15/2016
FAQ Inffusers IDL10e, IDL10i, IDL20e, IDL20i, IDS60e, IDS60i Inffuser FAQ Inffuser FAQ 39405 DADANCO FAQ Inffusers IDL10e, IDL10i, IDL20e, IDL20i, IDS60e, IDS60i 1-way throw, 2-way throw, 4-way throw 1 3/5/2013
Guide Specification Inffusers IDL10e, IDL10i, IDL20e, IDL20i, IDS60e, IDS60i Inffuser guide specification Inffuser guide specification 39407 DADANCO Guide Specification Inffusers IDL10e, IDL10i, IDL20e, IDL20i, IDS60e, IDS60i 1-way throw, 2-way throw, 4-way throw 1 3/5/2013
Brochure Active Chilled Beams Laboratory solutions sales brochure Laboratory solutions sales brochure 39408 DADANCO Brochure Active Chilled Beams 1 3/5/2013
Brochure Luxton-Reed product showcase brochure Luxton-Reed product showcase brochure 39409 DADANCO Brochure 1 10/5/2014
Case Study Inffusers miller street case study miller street case study infuser case study 39377 DADANCO Case Study Inffusers 1 3/5/2013
IOM Perimeter Induction Units FMFBY, FMLBY, FMTBY Perimeter Induction units IOM Perimeter Induction units IOM 40325 DADANCO IOM Perimeter Induction Units FMFBY, FMLBY, FMTBY Renovation N1 10/24/2016
Brochure project references project references 39397 DADANCO Brochure 1 10/20/2014
Brochure Perimeter Induction Units Renovate building with existing induction units Renovate building with existing induction units 39400 DADANCO Brochure Perimeter Induction Units 1 3/5/2013
Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB40, ACB50 Standard ACB40/50 Submittal Standard ACB40/50 Submittal 39426 DADANCO Submittal Active Chilled Beams ACB40, ACB50 1-way throw, 2-way throw, Cassette chilled beams 2.2 8/27/2024
Case Study Active Chilled Beams UMASS Albert Sherman Center UMASS Albert Sherman Center Active chilled beams, class rooms, labs 40445 DADANCO Case Study Active Chilled Beams N1 11/15/2016
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